Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Enabling Greater Speed & Reliability
Electronic Data Interchange refers to the computer-to-computer transmission of business documents in a standard format. In essence, it enables the exchange of business information electronically for greater speed, accuracy, and efficiency. The process involves a set of source information elements that are mapped into a common format, transmitted to an "electronic mailbox," and received by a secure designated addressee.
Arrow has led the industry in establishing EDI-based connections with both customers and suppliers in order to foster greater speed in the exchange of production forecasts, purchase orders (and acknowledgments), invoices, and other standard business documents.
EDI provides savings to you in the form of document transmission costs, improved transaction accuracy, and reductions in transaction cycle times. Maybe the greatest benefit is in the establishment of an electronic platform for all future trading activities.
Customers who benefit from EDI transmissions share these common traits:
- Experience high procurement transaction volume, cost, and cycle time.
- Experience data accuracy issues in transmitting procurement-related information
- Seek the ability to consistently and systematically transmit forecast data to suppliers for supplier-managed inventory programs
- Desire to conduct common business transactions securely and electronically
Driving the Proliferation of Real-Time Communications
As a founding member of the RosettaNet industry consortium, Arrow continues to be a leader within the electronics industry as it relates to the continued development of standards as well as the number of working trading partner implementations.
A self-funded, non-profit organization, RosettaNet is a consortium of more than 350 major information technology (IT), electronic components (EC), and semiconductor manufacturing (SM) companies working to create and implement industry-wide, open e-business process standards.
RosettaNet standards seek to join all supply chain participants on a real-time, one-to-many connection for streamlined business collaboration.
By establishing a common language -- or standard processes for the electronic sharing of business information -- RosettaNet opens the lines of communication and a world of opportunities for everyone involved in the supplying and buying of today's technologies. RosettaNet-adopting companies reduce costs, raise productivity, and engage in dynamic, flexible trading-partner relationships. End users enjoy speed and uniformity in purchasing practices.
For more information on RosettaNet standards, programs, and partners visit www.rosettanet.org
For more information on how Arrow’s EDI services can benefit your organization contact your local Arrow sales office at 1-800-777-2776.