Location-Based Monitoring

Location-Based Monitoring

Locate your asset and have access to data on that asset from any given location. These solutions are information based services and have any number of important uses in social networks and retail, entertainment and security, which is accessible with a mobile device. Location-based monitoring (LBS) is used in a variety of contexts, such as healthcare, indoor object search, entertainment. LBS is critical to many businesses as well as government organizations to drive real insight from data tied to a specific location where activities take place. Location-related data and services can provide powerful and useful aspects where location can be leveraged to better understand patterns and relationships.

Get complete control of your goods and assets on demand at any warehouse in the world. Track any shipment on demand at a package level 24x7, whether it travels by air, road, rail, or ocean. Make real-time, data-backed decisions about your yard inventory, equipment, and in-field assets anywhere in the world. A full turnkey SaaS wireless platform that is real-time providing item-level monitoring. Roambee is a solution that is capable of managing customers logistics, supply chain, warehouses, yards and enterprise assets.

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Hanhaa ParceLive™ is a tracking service that provides users with real-time information about the location, condition and security of shipments, no matter the country or logistics carrier. A complete turnkey SaaS asset tracking solution that includes sensor, global connectivity and a software monitoring solution.

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Aruba’s HPE location services is a software-as-a-service solution that provides both mobile-engagement and asset-tracking capabilities. Retailers can start with wayfinding, proximity based notifications or digital asset tracking and add functionality as needed. Features retailers may find useful include Mapping and Routing — Based on actual store floorplans, Wayfinding — mobile apps can show shoppers their location in the store and provide turn-by-turn instructions, Asset tracking — additional tags offer a low-cost Bluetooth means of deploying in-store tracking of physically assets, Campaigns — Retail stores can amplify promotions or general news by making use of proximity-based notifications, AppMaker — Retailers can quickly create a custom-branded mobile app that delivers mobile engagement and asset-tracking functionality.

Get timely, actionable information from an integrated hardware and software solution that is easy to deploy and use. CloudHawk is a global, reliable and robust trailer tracking that protects against theft using real-time alerts and notifications from any type of mobile device.

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