QUALCOMM Clock Generators and Synthesizers
부품 번호 | Price | 주식 | Manufacturer | Category | Pin Count | Supplier Package | Military | AEC Qualified | Auto motive | P PAP | ECCN Code |
PMK-8002-0-16CWLPSP-HR-04-0 Clock Generation and Distribution IC |
$0.6333 에서 $0.7002로 변경
단위 당
QUALCOMM | Clock Generators and Synthesizers | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 5A991g. | ||||
PMK-8002-0-16CWLPSP-SR-04-0 Dedicated Clock Generation And Distribution IC |
$0.6333 에서 $0.6758로 변경
단위 당
QUALCOMM | Clock Generators and Synthesizers | 16 | WLPSP | No | No | No | No | 5A991.g |