Surviving the IoT Wave with Sequitur Labs: How to Optimize Embedded Security in IoT Devices

IoT device security requires a deep understanding of cryptography, memory architecture, silicon, operating systems, and application design. This webinar will demystify what IoT security means and how to implement it. Attendees will learn about the following topics:

Sequitur Labs is developing technologies to improve trust in a connected world, reducing the cost and complexity to build secure embedded and IoT devices. Sequitur’s software products span a range of disciplines required for trusted computing, from boot through the full device lifecycle. Sequitur’s security solutions provide real business value to device makers, such as reducing BoM costs, protecting revenue by thwarting IP theft, improving product reliability and reducing liability, and improving device lifecycle management processes. Sequitur Lab’s EmSPARK™ Security Suite is a chip-to-cloud IoT Security software solution enabling embedded device makers to develop and rapidly bring to market secure and trustworthy products. Device OEMs can accelerate time-to-market without compromising security.

More Sequitur Labs Inc. Resources

Chip to Cloud IoT Security wth Dequitur Labs, Arrow Electronics, Microchip and AWS IoT Device Defender



Sequitur Labs EmSPARK™ Security Suite- Embedded Security Software for IoT

Sequitur Labs’ EmSPARK™ Security Suite is a comprehensive IoT Security software solution that addresses the key security elements of the IoT device life-cycle (design, build, and sustain) in a prepackaged solution. Learn more.

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