Add 3G cellular connectivity to your next project with Particle’s Electron 3G Kit


If you ever wanted an easy way to add 3G cellular connectivity to your IoT project or product, Particle’s Electron 3G Development Kit is the right dev kit for you. This dev kit makes setup easy so you can quickly start configuring your Electron 3G to get cellular connectivity.

The Electron 3G kit comes with a SIM card (Nano 4FF) that has three months of a 1MB monthly data plan included. Its specs include a STM32F205 ARM Cortex M3 Microcontroller that has 1MB Flash and 128K RAM, the U-Blox SARA U-series (3G) cellular modem, and 30 mixed-input GPIOs with advance peripherals.

Its content include the Particle Electron PCB, the Particle SIM card, a Li-Po battery (2000mAh), a Taoglas Cellular Antenna , a USB cable, a breadboard, a Pinout reference card, and components for a sample product. Be sure to pick the correct compatible country, as one Electron 3G kit is for the Americas and Australia, while the other is for Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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