The TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT6 portfolio from Infineon targets MHA (Major Home Appliances) drives application from low power (fridges, fans, etc.) to higher power appliances (sewing machines, washing machines, etc.). The collector current, stated in the TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT6 device name and in the first datasheet table, addresses a certain part of the MHA drives market where similar devices are used.
The internal circuit of the new IPM is composed of inverter stage and PFC stage. The three-phase inverter stage has six 600V rated Infineon TRENCHSTOP™ IGBTs and six Emitter Controlled Diodes together with one SOI gate driver IC which provides integrated bootstrap circuit and thermistor for temperature monitoring. The PFC stage consists of a 650V rated TRENCHSTOP IGBT and a Rapid Switching Emitter Controlled Diode which has fast and soft switching characteristics.