Bel Magnetic Solutions: Using ICM as a Method for EMI Control


Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a common problem facing LAN system designers, but with the right tools in place it can be controlled. In this paper, Bel Magnetic Solutions offers a method using a magnetic integrated connector module to create a design that passes the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirement ahead of a market release.

Currently, the environment is filled with many electronic devices including television, amplitude modulation/frequency modulation radio, amateur radio, walkie-talkies, wireless LAN, or cell phones that emit significant radio waves noise that can be coupled onto unshielded twisted pair cables (UTP). In addition, the components have become smaller for lower-power consumption and cost reduction, which reduces the space between devices and causes the systems to be vulnerable to EMI. There are many solutions to the EMI problem in LAN systems, including printed circuit board (PCB) layouts, filtering, shielding, grounding, power decoupling, chassis construction, and other interactions.

This paper discusses only how the quality of magnetic integrated connector module (ICM) from a well-known manufacturer, Bel, can help to control emission and susceptibility so that the system will pass the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirement before it is released to the market.


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