Bluetooth Low Energy Series Part 3


The final part to the series, Nick Powers will take you through some solutions offered in the space of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

10. STMicroelectronics Solutions

STMicroelectronics offers a few solutions:
- stand alone solution without an application embedded microcontroller (an external microcontroller is necessary and communicates via an SPI bus with the BLLUENRG-MS)
- a module is available and called SPBTLE-RF


11. Silicon Labs Solutions

There are two solutions available to develop BLE applications with Silicon Labs; a BGScript development or a C-based development. As the goal of this series of videos is to present what differentiates solutions between suppliers, we will present BGScript that is unique to Silicon Labs. BGScript is a simple BASIC-style programming language that allows end-user applications to be embedded to Silicon Labs Bluetooth Smart modules. When installing Silicon Labs development tools, it comes with project examples that will allow us to learn the basics of BGScript. One of them is to read the humidity and temperature sensor. The Si7021 is soldered on the top right of the evaluation board. Our board includes the bluetooth module BGM111.

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Silicon Labs Temperature and Humidity Sensors 보기

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12. Nordic Semiconductor Solutions

Nordic Semiconductor is more than the specialist of bluetooth low energy, it is the specialist of ultra low power wireless technology. The same part can be programmed to support various technologies. Next to bluetooth low energy, Nordic supports the following protocols:
- A proprietary 2.4GHz protocols
- ANT, a low power protocol designed by Garmin that is a de facto standard in wearable sport applications
- a proprietary sub 1 GHz protocol


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13. Cypress Semiconductor Solutions

Cypress Semiconductor bought Broadcom wireless IoT business unit awhile back. This brings BLE solutions with an embedded cortex M3 microcontroller to their portfolio. Up to now, Cypress BLE solutions were based on Cortex M0 microcontroller. In this video, we present these solutions.


 This is the final video installment of the BLE series. If you would like to learn more, please subscribe to our newsletter.


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