Explore Bosch Sensortec’s comprehensive product portfolio for wearables and hearables.
Bosch Sensortec offers a comprehensive portfolio of sensing solutions designed for wearables and hearables. Manufacturers can find the optimal solution for any wearable or hearable application, whether it be for smartwatches, smart clothes, wristbands, standard earbuds, hearing aids, or high-end hearables such as gaming headsets. Bosch Sensortec’s newest sensor lineup for wearables and hearables includes accelerometers (BMA456, BMA400), inertial measurement units (BMI270), pressure sensors (BMP388) and smart sensors (BHA260, BHI260). The BMA456 accelerometer variant for hearables is Bosch Sensortec’s latest addition. It is the industry’s only accelerometer with optimized hearable features integrated inside a single sensor. Find more information about the new BMA456 at Bosch Sensortec News.
Explore Bosch Sensortec’s products and begin designing smaller and more accurate wearables and hearables at lower power and higher performance.