Microchip's "Getting Started With AVR" Video Series

Atmel is now part of Microchip and in this series, we will be introducing a number of AVR peripherals, including GPIO, timer/counter, USART and ADC. In the process, we will work towards building an example application which samples an analog light sensor, then proportion to this ADC sensor reading, updates a PWM duty cycle. An averaged sensor value is then sent over USART to a PC terminal.

1. Getting Started with AVR: Introduction to Series and Key Training Application


2. Getting Started with AVR: Finding Documentation and Turning on an LED

3. Getting Started with AVR: Flashing an LED at a Specific Frequency


4. Getting Started with AVR: Read an I/O as Input to Turn on LED

5. Getting Started with AVR: Using Pin Change Interrupts

6. Getting Started with AVR: Making Our Simple App Low Power

7. Getting Started with AVR: Using Timer Overflow IRQs

8. Getting Started with AVR: Using Timer Compare Match IRQs


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