MOTIX™ 6EDL7141 and MOTIX™ IMD70xA three-phase smart motor drivers

Fully programmable solutions that help deliver ergonomic, compact, and powerful battery-powered tools.

Infineon's MOTIX™ 3-phase motor control gate driver ICs enables the development of high-performance battery-operated products using BLDC or PMSM motors. Low voltage brushless DC motors offer increased efficiency and lower maintenance compared to brushed motors. Ideal applications for these low voltage motor controllers include cordless power tools, gardening products, and automated guided vehicles.

MOTIX™ IMD700A / IMD701A are the latest fully programmable motor controllers integrating the XMC1404 microcontroller with the 6EDL7141 3-phase gate driver IC in one package to enable the development of next generation battery operated products using BLDC or PMSM motors. With integrated precision power supply and current shunt amplifiers, many of the peripheral circularity is no longer necessary to reduce PCV space and improve system packaging possibilities.

MOTIX™  3-phase motor control gate driver IC 6EDL7141 is also available as a stand-alone device designed for maximum flexibility.  With configurable gate drive sink and source currents up to 1.5 A, it has the ability to drive a wide range of MOSFET’s effectively to minimize losses and increase efficiency.  It has adjustable gate driver supply voltage setting between 7 V, 10 V, 12 V and 15 V even at low battery voltage thanks to built-in high and low side charge pumps. The 6EDL7141 also has adjustable gate driver parameters to enable control of the slew rate to minimize system EMI.  All of the 6EDL7141 settings can be quickly changed with the available simple-to-use PC based GUI tool.  In addition, with a full suite of system protection features such as OCP, UVLO, over-temperature, and locked rotor detection, this dedicated motor controller will increase reliability and robustness in severe operating fault conditions.

Key features of battery supplied BLDC Motor Controller ICs

  • Integrated power supplies
  • Adjustable slew rate
  • Programmable gate driver parameters
  • 3x current shunt amplifier
  • Complete dedicated motor control protection suite

Key benefits of battery supplied BLDC Motor Controller ICs

  • Reduced external components and PCB area
  • Optimized efficiency and EMI
  • Maximum flexibility to use different inverter FET’s
  • Highly accurate current sense while saving external components
  • Higher dynamic range to increase signal resolution
  • Improve reliability and fault detection

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