Circuit systems are subject to a variety of risks throughout their lifetime, including voltage surges, excessive inrush currents, or other fault conditions. The Littelfuse LS0505EVD22 and LS2406ERQ23 eFuses are among the best-in-class components that provide the protection to keep important systems running in the case of an incident. In this article, you will get an overview of how these eFuses differ in their application scenarios.
The LS0505EVD22 5V, 5A integrated load switch provides a robust input over-current protection to downstream circuit systems. An internal soft-start ensures a smooth output voltage ramp up and limits the input in-rush current. The wide input voltage ranges between 2.7 V and a maximum of 6 V. The LS0505EVD22 also features a thermal shutdown, which shuts down circuitry at temperatures exceeding 160°C. Applications include battery devices, charging cables, and wearables such as Bluetooth headsets.
The LS2406ERQ23 is an advanced 28V 6A rated current limit switch with very similar capabilities to the LS0505EVD22. This eFuse has an all-time reverse current blocking function regardless of the enable signal EN logic states. A fast role swap function is also implemented to comply with the timing requirement defined in the USB Power Delivery Specification. The LS2406ERQ23 comes available in a low-profile 16 leads QFN 2.5mm x 3.2mm package and is suitable for applications such as storage (SSD/HDD), USB Type-C Power Delivery (PD), servers, or industry.
More detailed information about these two fuses can be found on the Littelfuse product datasheets. Learn more below.