Secure your next design with Microchip Technology

In the face of changing marketplace and regulatory environments, electronic device security is more important than ever. In this article, explore Microchip’s solutions for securing your next microcontroller design.

What challenges are faced with modern IoT products?
The rate at which the internet of things is growing is phenomenal, with more than 20 billion IoT devices in use around the globe (and growing). The building-block data inputs to these devices, such as temperature or humidity, for example, aren’t extremely valuable to a cyber attacker. However, because these devices have access to local area networks and users’ personal information, they make enticing targets.

How has the world reacted to this growing challenge?
The lack of action from designers to incorporate security features has resulted in governments around the world introducing legislation to prevent the sale and distribution of unsecure devices.

Why choose Microchip for your next IoT project?
Software security routines can be used on any platform for providing a basic level of security, but if the hardware used is fundamentally flawed, then no amount of software security measures will protect the device from physical and/or software attacks. Microchip has designed microcontrollers with security in mind from the ground up, and multiple levels of hardware security enable devices to be protected from attack as well as protect intellectual property.

Hardware solutions from Microchip
Microchip offers a wide range of security-first hardware solutions, including:

  • •  PIC16F15244 real-time IoT for space-constrained designs
  • •  PIC32CM smart appliance control with low energy requirements
  • •  AVR DA for offloading intensive I/O operations and getting real-time responses
  • •  dsPIC33C and PIC24 for automotive embedded security
  • •  PIC18-Q41IoT for sensing, home appliances, and smart devices
  • •  SAMD21, SAML21, and SAME51 for biowearable devices with BLE
  • •  AVR DB for low-power analog and IoT sensing
  • •  SAME54 and SAME70 real-time motion surveillance and sensors

For further information about these products and their applications, click through to the article.

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