The Importance of Quality of Service (QoS) for SSDs

Kingston's DC400 series SSDs are designed to maximize QoS: Performance consistency while servicing a Read/Write workload.

Learn more about the quality of service for Kingston DC400 SSD.

Kingston’s DC400 series SSDs emphasize Quality of Service (QoS), which refers to the consistency and predictability of latency and IOs-per-second performance while servicing a Read/Write workload. The 960 GB DC400 SSD offers consistent and reliable QoS over a wide range of Read/Write workloads; less than 400 µS / 4 ms (99.9%), making it ideal for datacenters requiring outstanding consistency and predictability. 

The 960 GB DC400 from Kingston has a standard mode and different levels of over-provisioning configured from the factory, either 7% or 28%. It offers a steady state Read/Write of 78,000/11,000 IOPS and a maximum random 4k Read/Write of 99,000/88,000 IOPS. It consumes 1.56 W when idle and has an average consumption of 1.6 W. A suite of included enterprise SMART tools offers reliability tracking, usage statistics, wear leveling, remaining life and temperature data so users are sure to have the most up-to-date info on their system.

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