Industrial BeagleBone Black from Arrow is a Linux based community supported-development board that is compatible with Debian, Android, Ubuntu, Cloud9 IDE on Node.js w/ BoneScript library and much more.
The original BeagleBone Black is an excellent single board computer. It runs Linux on a Cortex A8 core, it has Ethernet, and HDMI and USB output so it can act as a standalone computer. I love how easy it is to interface using Cloud9, a cloud-based IDE that basically lets you program the board in whatever language you're most comfortable with. That might be Python, an Arduino sort of IDE, or JavaScript.
Now this particular board is a special Arrow exclusive board. The BeagleBone Black is so great for machine control applications like a 3D printer or a CNC, that we saw value in creating an industrial temperature version that can happily operate up to 85 degrees C versus the 60 degree C max. temp. of the standard board. At face value it seems like 60 degrees C or 140F should be more than sufficient, but machine control tends to happen in applications where you really should have your BeagleBone in a protective case. With that protection comes restricted air flow across these parts and if you're really working that entire core it will heat up very quickly and heat up the air around it. The industrial temperature reading just gives you that much more thermal headroom before you need to do anything inconvenient like add in a bulky fan or add additional heat sinks.
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