Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Comprehensive Solutions to Reduce Risk, Cost and Development Time
Microchip’s extensive portfolio includes microcontrollers (MCUs), microprocessors (MPUs), and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) with software toolkits for popular ML frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe and more within the ONNX umbrella, including TinyML and TensorFlow Lite. Design with the hardware and software you need for a variety of applications including high-performance data center AI acceleration cards, self-driving cars, augmented and virtual reality headsets, and more.
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Microchip Videos
Shields UP #12 - PolarFire® SoC Secure Boot Methodologies
PolarFire® SoC provides Secure Boot out of the box. Learn how Microchip has implemented secure boot
and also how you can roll your own secure boot methodology.
Livestream | Machine Learning at the Edge
Microchip makes it easy to implement Machine Learning (ML) solutions at the edge. Yann LeFaou and
Alex Jagger from Microchip will join Jan Jongboom, co-founder and CTO of Microchip design partner
Edge Impulse to explain how their combined solution can get you started in minutes.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Implement machine learning at the edge with Microchip’s solutions that reduce risk, time to market,
power consumption and cost.
IoT Design Week Day 2 - Machine Learning and
Artificial Intelligence
See how artificial intelligence concepts can be incorporated into a variety of IoT applications to raise
the bar on end-product usability, efficiency and performance. Morning includes guests from Motion