Cold Chain Monitoring

Cold Chain and Refrigeration Monitoring

Cold chain logistics include all of the means used to ensure a constant temperature for a product that is not heat stable, from the time it is manufactured until the time it is used. Cold chain is considered a technology and a process. It is a technology as it relies on physical means to ensure desirable temperature conditions are constant along the entire supply chain. It is also a process involving a series of tasks that must be performed to manufacture, store, transport and monitor temperature sensitive products. These partner led solutions offered by Arrow include both hardware and software working together to deliver end-points, gateways, connectivity, cloud and actionable insights to end users. They can be sold to our end customers for a stand-alone fee or as a complete services model.

A cold chain monitoring solution to improve productivity, compliance, and quality control. Digi SmartSense is an commercial grade equipment monitoring solution that detects temperature excursions and manage compliance logging, digital checklists - task management monitoring system with visibility across all your regional or global sites, supply chain visibility - insight into product temperature through end-to-end system for quality control and incident management.

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A complete turnkey SaaS platform that involves all needed hardware sensors, software, connectivity, implementation and support services. Roambee provides real-time actionable insights into your shipments and supply chain monitoring. Real-time visibility into the status and condition of products, perishables and other assets. This wireless monitoring solution helps mitigate risks, losses and improves automation of reporting data quality in retail cold refrigeration environments. Specifically in retail, Roambee has had proven capability in monitoring perishable goods during transit from farm to in-store customer purchase.

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