Traffic Analysis

Traffic Analysis

Retail traffic analytics can improve the way businesses make key strategic decisions. Retail analytics offer insights using factors such as traffic or people counting and retail conversion rates that provide tangible proof of a location’s success or failure. With the advent of IoT, today’s traffic counting and analyzing technologies are more sophisticated than ever.

Rigado Cascade


Improves Customer Experience and Business Operations


IoT technology is driving exciting new connected guest and employee experiences in retail/hospitality environments. However, deploying the wireless infrastructure to support the wide range of sensors, devices, and applications required to serve both front-of-house and back-of-house applications is often overly complicated and expensive for IoT project teams and solution providers to design, deploy, scale and manage. That’s where Rigado comes in.

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Advantech UShop SRP-700


Helps Retailers Increase Sales Potential and Maximize Profit


Advantech’s UShop SRP-700 Store Traffic Analytics solution has a flexible and scalable component model that allows combining optional hardware devices and software to create an all-in-one comprehensive cloud solution for store traffic analytics. Using the platform, retailers can easily evaluate sales potential and establish customer service and marketing strategies for maximizing profit.

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