AD9850/CGPCB, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the AD9850 125-MHz Clock Generator

Reference Design using part AD9850BRS by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Clock and Timing
  • Product Type
    Clock Generator

For End Products

  • Clock and Timing Devices


  • AD9850/CGPCB, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the AD9850 is a highly integrated device that uses advanced DDS technology coupled with an internal high speed, high performance D/A converter and comparator to form a complete, digitally programmable frequency synthesizer and clock generator function. When referenced to an accurate clock source, the AD9850 generates a spectrally pure, frequency/phase programmable, analog output sine wave. This sine wave can be used directly as a frequency source or it can be converted to a square wave for agile-clock generator applications. The AD9850's innovative high speed DDS core provides a 32-bit frequency tuning word, which results in an output tuning resolution of 0.0291 Hz for a 125 MHz reference clock input

Key Features

  • Operating Frequency
    125 MHz

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