Adafruit Bluefruit LE Shield - Bluetooth LE for Arduino | 2746

Reference Design using part nRF51822 by Adafruit Industries


Adafruit Industries
  • Application Category
    Wireless Communication
  • Product Type
    Wireless Systems

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For End Products

  • Smart Phone
  • Tablet
  • Wireless Appliances


  • Bluefruit LE Shield makes it easy to add Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity to your Arduino or compatible. Solder in the included headers and plug right in. It connects to your Arduino or other microcontroller using the hardware SPI interface (MISO, MOSI, SCK) plus a chip select line (default D8), interrupt line (default D7) and reset (default D4). This multi-function module can do quite a lot. For most people, they'll be very happy to use the standard Nordic UART RX/TX profile. In this profile, the Bluefruit acts as a data pipe, that can transparently transmit back and forth from your iOS or Android device. You can use our iOS App or Android App to get started sending data from your Arduino to your phone quickly and painlessly

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