ADM00768, MCP9904 Remote Temperature Sensor Evaluation Board

Reference Design using part MCP9904T-1E/9Q by Microchip Technology


Microchip Technology
  • Application Category
    Measurement and Monitoring
  • Product Type
    Temperature Monitoring

For End Products

  • Temperature Sensing


  • ADM00768, MCP9904 Temp Sensor Evaluation Board provides the means to demonstrate all of the MCP9904 features, and allows a user to view and modify registers. A user may plot the temperature of the four temperature channels and set alert temperatures associated with those channels. LEDs indicating status information and test points are included to enable system voltages monitoring, using a voltmeter or an oscilloscope. The board requires only one universal serial bus (USB) connection to power the board. The USB-to-SMBus bridge regulates the +5V USB power to +3.3V used by the MCP9904 and other evaluation board circuitry

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