CY8CKIT-040 PSoC 4000 Pioneer Development Kit

Reference Design using part CY8C4014LQI-422 by Infineon Technologies AG


Infineon Technologies AG
  • Application Category
    Embedded System
  • Product Type
    Application Processor


  • CY8CKIT-040, PSoC 4000 Development Kit provides users a low cost development platform to design unique applications targeting the entry level PSoC 4 ARM Cortex-M0 devices. The CY8CKIT-040 PSoC 4000 Development Kit enables low cost devices with high end functionality. The CY8CKIT-040 development kit supports an open platform, enabling complete access to the PSoC 4000 device via on-board headers that support the Arduino hardware community. We enable programming, debugging, and serial bridge debugging via the on-board ARM Cortext-M3 PSoC 5LP device. The kit provides users with on-board memory storage via Cypress's non-volatile low cost F-RAM I2C memory device. Finally, the CY8CKIT-040 comes with a pluggable Trackpad shield and example projects to fully test and evaluate CapSense solutions. The CY8CKIT-040 is truly a high end development platform at a low cost

Key Features

  • Embedded System Type
  • Core Processor
    ARM Cortex-M0

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