DC1669A, Demo Board based on LTM4627EV, 20V, 15A Step-Down Regulator

Reference Design using part LTM4627EV by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Power Supplies
  • Product Type
    DC to DC Single Output Power Supplies

For End Products

  • Power Supplies


  • DC1669A, Demonstration Circuit features the LTM4627EV, a high-performance high efficiency step-down regulator. The LTM4627EV has an operating input voltage range of 4.5V to 20V and is able to provide an output current of up to 15A. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 5V and can be remotely sensed with the internal optional differential remote sensing amplifier. The LTM4627EV is a complete DC/DC point-of-load regulator in a thermally enhanced 15mm × 15mm × 4.32mm LGA package requiring only a few input and output capacitors. This regulator is internally compensated and employs constant frequency current mode architecture, enabling a fast transient response and stable control loop over a wide range of output capacitance

Key Features

  • Conversion Type
    DC to DC
  • Input Voltage
    4.5 to 20 V
  • Output Voltage
    1|1.2|1.5|1.8|2.5|3.3 V
  • Output Current
    15 A
  • Efficiency
    86.6 %
  • Topology

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