DC1855A, Demonstration Board using LT3030 dual, Micro-power, low noise and low dropout voltage linear regulator

Reference Design using part LT3030EUFD by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Power Supplies
  • Product Type
    DC to DC Multi-Output Power Supplies

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  • DC1855A, Demonstration Board using LT3030 dual, Micro-power, low noise and low dropout voltage linear regulator. The input voltages are independent for each channel of DC1855A and can range from 2.2V to 20V. Each channel has a jumper that sets the output voltage to either 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V or a voltage that is user programmed by the installation of a resistor. The LT3030 is well suited to applications that require sequencing between dual regulator channels, particularly Microprocessor systems and instrumentation that require low noise

Key Features

  • Conversion Type
    DC to DC
  • Input Voltage
    2.2 to 20 V
  • Output Voltage
    1.8|1.8 V
  • Output Current
    0.75@1.8V|0.25@1.8V A
  • Topology

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