DEV-14870, Arduino MKR Vidor 4000 Development Kit

Reference Design using part ATSAMD21G18A by SparkFun Electronics


SparkFun Electronics
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    Audio-Video Interface

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For End Products

  • Audio Processing
  • Video Processing


  • DEV-14870, MKR Vidor 4000 is highly configurable and powerful and it can perform high-speed digital audio and video processing. With the MKR Vidor 4000 you can configure it the way you want, you can essentially create your own controller board. It comes loaded with hardware and potential: an 8MB SRAM, a 2MB QSPI Flash chip - 1 MB allocated for user applications, a Micro HDMI connector, an MIPI camera connector and Wifi & BLE powered by U-BLOX NINA W10 Series. It also includes the classic MKR interface on which all pins are driven both by SAMD21 and FPGA. Plus, it has a Mini PCI Express connector with up to 25 user programmable pins. The FPGA contains 16K Logic Elements, 504KB of embedded RAM, and 56 18x18 bit HW multipliers for high-speed DSP

Key Features

  • Interface Type

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