EVAL-ADT7420FBZ, Flex Evaluation Board for Evaluating the ADT7420 Temperature Sensor

Reference Design using part ADT7420UCPZ by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Measurement and Monitoring
  • Product Type
    Temperature Measurement

For End Products

  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Food Transportation & Storage
  • Industrial Control
  • Medical Equipments
  • Temperature Control System


  • EVAL-ADT7420FBZ, Flex Evaluation Board is optional extras to the evaluation kit, which can be used as an extension to the ADT7420 evaluation board or as standalone devices for interfacing with a microcontroller or FPGA. The evaluation kit allows the user to evaluate the performance of the ADT7420 temperature sensor using a PC. The kit consists of two boards; a main board connected to the PC through the USB port and an external board. The external board and flex board are attached to the main board using wires that can withstand high temperatures, and can be used for remote temperature measurements in oil baths or ovens where the temperature exceeds the specifications of the USB cable

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