FRDM-BC3770-EVB, BC3770 Freedom Battery Charger Expansion Board without KL25Z

Reference Design using part MC32BC3770CS by NXP Semiconductors


NXP Semiconductors
  • Application Category
    Battery Management
  • Product Type
    Battery Charger

For End Products

  • Mobile Applications


  • FRDM-BC3770-EVB, Freedom Expansion Board is a fully programmable switching charger with dual-path output for single-cell Li-Ion and Li-Polymer battery that works with a FRDM-KL25Z. The dual-path output allows mobile applications with fully discharged battery or dead battery to boot up the system. High efficiency and switch-mode operation of the BC3770 reduces heat dissipation and allow for higher current capability for a given package size. BC3770 features single input with a 20V max input and charges the battery with the current up to 2A. The charging parameters and operating modes are fully programmable over an I2C Interface that operates up to 400 kHz

Key Features

  • Battery Type
  • Number of Battery Cells

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