IS31FL3199-DLS2-EB, Evaluation Board based on IS31FL3199 9-Ch. FxLED Driver

Reference Design using part IS31FL3199 by Integrated Silicon Solution Inc


Integrated Silicon Solution Inc
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    General LED Driver

For End Products

  • Handheld Electronics
  • Home Appliances
  • Smart Phone


  • IS31FL3199-DLS2-EB, Evaluation Board for the IS31FL3199 is a 9-channel LED driver capable of operating in several different configurations. This board allows for simple demonstration and evaluation of IS31FL3199 performance. The IC is a constant current type driver, which features One-Shot Program Mode and Pulse-Width-Modulation. These features allow the chip to create unique RGB lighting effects. It has two modes of operation: (1) nine LEDs individually, or (2) three groups or RGB LEDs. A unique feature of the chip is its ability to perform RGB Breathing, which can be configured in One-Shot Programming. Another special function is its ability to synchronize with audio inputs and modulate the corresponding LED color and brightness

Key Features

  • Input Voltage
    3.5 to 5.5 V
  • Number of Derived Elements

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