KSZ8081RNA-EVAL, Evaluation Board for KSZ8081RNA 10Base-T/100Base-TX PHY Transceiver

Reference Design using part KSZ8081RN by Microchip Technology


Microchip Technology
  • Application Category
    Wired Communication
  • Product Type
    Ethernet Card


  • KSZ8081RNA-EVAL, Evaluation Board for KSZ8081RNA is a 10Base-T/100Base-TX Physical Layer Transceiver with an RMII MAC interface. It utilizes a unique mixed-signal design to extend signaling distance while reducing power consumption and offers Hp Auto MDI/MDI-X for reliable detection of and correction for crossover and straight-through cables, eliminating the need to differentiate between crossover and straight-through cables. It also supports Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) and Wake-on-LAN (WOL). The KSZ8081RNA (by default) outputs a 50 MHz RMII Reference clock. The KSZ8081RNA comes in a 24-pin, lead-free QFN package and provides an ideal solution for 10Base-T/100Base-TX applications that have tight PCB board space. The KSZ8081RNA EVAL Board provides a convenient platform to evaluate the features of the device

Key Features

  • Ethernet Communication Standard

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