Low to High Level Water Turbidity Measurement System

Reference Design using part ADPD105 by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type
    Infrared Proximity Sensor

For End Products

  • Liquids & Water Quality


  • Application circuit uses a photometric front end and a network of 860 nm infrared (IR) emitters and silicon PIN photodiodes to achieve a water turbidity measurement system. Turbidity is an important water quality indicator for the presence of dispersed or suspended solids, which affects potable water and environmental conditions. Turbidity is a qualitative characteristic imparted by how these suspended solids obstruct the transmittance of light. Turbidity is not a direct measure of suspended particles in water but rather a measure of the scattering effect that such particles have on light

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