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Battery monitor maximizes performance of electric vehicle batteries
Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries are a common energy storage method for electric vehicles, offering very high energy density compared to all existing battery technologies. However, to maximize performance, it is essential to use a battery monitoring system (BMS) to safely manage the charging and discharging cycles, thereby extending the battery's lifespan. This article will introduce the architecture and operation modes of BMS, as well as the product features and advantages of the BMS devices introduced by ADI.
ADXL358: Low noise, low drift, low power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer
The analog output ADXL358 is a low noise density, low 0 g offset drift, low power, 3-axis accelerometer with selectable measurement ranges. The ADXL358B supports the ±10 g and ±20 g ranges, and the ADXL358C supports the ±10 g and ±40 g ranges.
ADL5960: 10 MHz to 20 GHz integrated vector network analyzer front end
The ADL5960 is a wideband, small form factor vector network analyzer front end consisting of a resistive bidirectional bridge, downconversion mixers, programmable IF amplifiers and filters, and a highly flexible local oscillator (LO) interface.
MAX17614: 4.5V to 60V, 3A, ideal diode/power source selector with current limit, UV, OV protection
The MAX17614 ideal diode/power source selector device offers adjustable protection boundaries for systems against positive and negative input faults up to +60V and -65V, and output load current up to 3A.
MAX20810: 10A, 2MHz, 2.7V to 16V integrated step-down switching regulator with PMBus
The MAX20810 is a fully integrated, highly efficient, step-down DC-DC switching regulator with PMBus interface. The device operates from 2.7V to 16V input supplies, and the output can be adjusted from 0.4V to 5.8V, delivering up to 10A of load current.