MAX14912PMB#, Peripheral Module for the MAX14912 Octal High-Speed, High-Side Switch/Push-Pull Driver

Reference Design using part MAX14912AKN+ by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Power Drivers
  • Product Type
    Push-Pull Power Driver

For End Products

  • Building Automation
  • I/O Modules
  • Industrial Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)


  • MAX14912PMB#, Peripheral Module provides the hardware to evaluate the MAX14912 octal digital output driver. The module can be used in various ways, Maxim sells a low-cost USB2PMB1#, USB2PMB2#, or USB2GPIO# adapter board that uses the Munich GUI software for communication through a USB cable. This is not included with this board. Alternatively, any microcontroller or FPGA with a 12-pin Pmod-compatible connector can be used

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