MAX98374EVSYS#, FCQFN Evaluation System for the MAX98374 Digital Input Class-D Speaker Amplifier with DHT

Reference Design using part MAX98374EFF+ by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    Audio Power Amplifier

For End Products

  • Notebook
  • Soundbar
  • Tablet


  • MAX98374EVSYS#, Evaluation System (EV system) evaluates the high-efficiency MAX98374 mono Class-D audio amplifier featuring dynamic headroom tracking (DHT) and brownout protection. The EV system consists of the MAX98374 development board (DEV board), Audio Interface 1 (AUDINT1) board, and the MAX98374 evaluation software. The MAX98374 DEV board is fully assembled and tested and contains the necessary circuitry and connections to evaluate the MAX98374 device in the FCQFN package. It is recommended that the DEV board be evaluated with the AUDINT1 board, as an EV system. The MAX98374 requires two supply inputs, 5.5V to 16V (PVDD) and 1.71V to 1.89V (DVDD). It is capable of delivering 16W into an 8-ohm load. Additionally, the MAX98374 supports standard I2S, left-justified, TDM, and Sound Wire digital audio formats

Key Features

  • Number of Channels
  • Output Power
    16 W
  • Amplifier Type

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