MCIMX53SMD, SABRE Platform Development Kit based on i.MX53

Reference Design using part MCIMX536AV by NXP Semiconductors


NXP Semiconductors
  • Application Category
    Embedded System
  • Product Type
    Application Processor

Associated Documents

For End Products

  • Consumer Electronics
  • Industrial
  • Industrial Automation HMI
  • Medical and Healthcare


  • MCIMX53SMD, SABRE Platform Development Kit based on i.MX53. The MCIMX53SMD is an i.MX53 platform that provides many widely used features of the i.MX53 Applications Processor in a tablet package. Being a complete development platform, the MCIMX53SMD board has a design structure that is almost similar to the more complex i.MX53 platforms. This helps developers to port code developed on the MCIMX53SMD board to other boards with minimal effort. Developers can use the MCIMX53SMD board to test the features of the i.MX53 Applications Processor, before investing a large amount of money or resources in more specific designs

Key Features

  • Embedded System Type
  • Family Name
  • Platform

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