MIKROE-3340, UART 1-Wire Click Board based on DS2480B Serial to 1-Wire Driver

Reference Design using part DS2480B by MikroElektronika


  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    UART to USB Interface

Associated Documents

For End Products

  • USB Host


  • MIKROE-3340, UART 1-Wire Click Board is used to convert standard UART or RS232 signals into 1-Wire signals. Apart from other features such as the slew rate control for larger 1-Wire busses, selectable data rate, an accurate self-calibrating time base, ESD protection and more, the main feature of the UART 1-Wire click, is that it manages all the sensitive signal timings involved in 1-Wire communication, allowing rapid development of UART to 1-Wire applications. It can automatically convert a single character from the UART bus into eight 1-Wire time slots, thereby increasing the data throughput significantly, while reducing the microcontroller workload

Key Features

  • Interface Standards
  • Supply Voltage
    Single(3.3,5) V
  • Functions
    Level Translator

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