S5PH-Q, PCIe FPGA Board based on Intel Stratix V GX/GS Half-Length PCIe Board with Dual QSFP+/SFP+, DDR3 and QDRII+

Reference Design using part 5SGXEA7 by BittWare


  • Application Category
    Embedded System
  • Product Type
    Field-Programmable Gate Array

For End Products

  • Commercial
  • Networking


  • S5PH-Q, PCIe FPGA Board is a half-length PCIe x8 Card based on the high-band width, power-efficient Altera Stratix V GX or GS FPGA. Designed for high-end applications, the Stratix V provides a high level of system integration and flexibility for I/O, routing, and processing. Over 16 GBytes of on-board memory includes DDR3 and QDRII/II+. Two front-panel QSFP+ cages allow two 40GigE interfaces (or eight 10GigE) direct to the FPGA for reduced latency, making the board ideal for high frequency trading and networking applications. The S5PH-Q also features a Board Management Controller (BMC) for advanced system monitoring, which greatly simplifies platform management. All of these features combine to make the S5PH-Q a versatile and efficient solution for creating and deploying high-performance FPGA computing systems

Key Features

  • Embedded System Type
  • Family Name
    Stratix V

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