Sensor Extender Reference Design used in a variety of electronic products such as SmartPhones, surveillance cameras and industrial robotics

Reference Design using part MT9M024IA3XT by Lattice Semiconductor


Lattice Semiconductor
  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type
    Image Sensor

For End Products

  • IoT Applications
  • Robotics
  • Sensor and Transducer
  • Smart Phone
  • Surveillance Camera


  • Sensor Extender Reference Design for Image sensors are used in a variety of electronic products such as SmartPhones, surveillance cameras and industrial robotics. Most of these designs have small form factors that allow the image sensor to be located near the Image Signal Processor (ISP). However in some applications, such as automotive after market back up cameras or cameras integrated at the top of a big screen TV, the image sensor needs to be separated from the ISP. for this reason, it has created the Sensor Extender reference design. The Sensor Extender solution uses two MachXO2 ultra-low density FPGAs, one next to the image sensor and the other just before the ISP. A single twisted pair CAT5E/6 cable connects the two

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