STEVAL-IHM039V1, Dual Motor Control Demonstration Board featuring the STM32F415 Microcontroller

Reference Design using part STM32F415ZGT6 by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
    Motor Control
  • Product Type
    General Motor Control

For End Products

  • Motor Control


  • STEVAL-IHM039V1, Demonstration Board is designed as a dual motor field-oriented control (FOC) development platform for ARM Cortex-M4 32-bit core based STM32F415ZG microcontroller with up to 168 MHz of clock frequency and FPU support. The board features full-speed USB 2.0 and CAN 2.0 A/B compliant interfaces, 1 I 2S/I2C channel, 1 USART channel and 1 insulate USART through USB to serial bridge, 2 DAC channels, internal 192+4KB SRAM and 1 MB Flash memory, and JTAG and SWD debugging support. The board is designed to implement multiple motor controls and offers an advanced user I/O interface (LCD QVGA display and joystick key). Extension headers make it easy to connect a daughterboard or wrapping board for specific applications

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