STEVAL-ILL035V1, Demonstration Board using LED7708 multi-channel LED backlight driver with integrated boost controller

Reference Design using part LED7708 by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    Backlight LED Driver

Associated Documents

For End Products

  • Advertising Signs
  • Gaming Device
  • Multi String LED
  • Traffic Signs


  • STEVAL-ILL035V1, Demonstration Board is to provide an application example of a compact LED backlight driver using the LED7708 device. The board is equipped with a 16-channel LED driver with integrated boost controller, power section components and an STM32 microcontroller to easily control all the features via a USB connection. The output voltage required by the LED strings connected to the output channels is derived from a single input rail and continuously adjusted to minimize the voltage drop (and power dissipation) across them, despite an independent PWM duty cycle for each one. The brightness of each LED string is digitally controlled with 12 or 16-bit dimming resolution. The board has been designed as a demonstration of a solution for medium/large LCD panel backlight drivers, but is suitable for any application involving several LEDs assembled in strings (e.g. advertisement panels, signs, gaming, etc.)

Key Features

  • Input Voltage
    10 to 28 V
  • Number of Derived Elements

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