STEVAL-ILL068V1, STLUX385A Microcontroller Evaluation Board using as digital lighting controller

Reference Design using part STLUX385A by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    General LED Driver

For End Products

  • Bluetooth
  • Lighting
  • Power Line Communication
  • Wireless


  • STEVAL-ILL068V1, helps designers to familiarize themselves with the STLUX385A device and the innovative SMED (state machine, event driven) functionality. A convenient GUI helps to quickly generate the SMED configuration appropriate for the desired application. The external pins make it easy to insert SMED events and capture the SMED-controlled PWM clock. Alternatively, the application circuit can be driven directly from the product evaluation board. A dedicated UART TTL to USB cable is available for communication with the STLUX385A. The cable is used to connect the board to a PC running a terminal utility

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