STEVAL-IPP004V1, General Purpose PRIME Power Line Communication Module

Reference Design using part STM32F103RGT7 by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
    Measurement and Monitoring
  • Product Type
    Power Meter

For End Products

  • Building Automation
  • Metering
  • Street LED Lighting


  • STEVAL-IPP004V1, Evaluation Board is a PLM communication module that is especially suited for metering since it is designed to work in the CENELEC A band. The module is based on the STM32F103RFT6 ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and an ST7590 PRIME narrow band power line modem with up to 128 kbps data rate. The assembled MCU can be easily replaced with an equivalent 64-pin MCU from the STM32F2 or STM32F4 families, with just a few assembly modifications. The module can be coupled to both AC and DC power line buses and also includes a USB interface for optional PC connection

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