STEVAL-ISA122V1, Wide input-range, single-output 5 V/11 W power supply Demonstration Board based on the VIPer27

Reference Design using part VIPER27HN by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
    Power Supplies
  • Product Type
    AC to DC Single Output Power Supplies

Associated Documents

For End Products

  • Desktop PC
  • LCD TV
  • Plasma displays
  • Power Supplies


  • STEVAL-ISA122V1, Wide input-range, single-output 5 V/11 W power supply Demonstration Board based on the VIPer27. The demonstration board meets the specifications of a wide range of auxiliary power supplies for applications including LCD or plasma TVs and desktop computers, where the power supply that converts the energy from the mains often includes two modules. One module is the main power supply which provides most of the power, and is off when the application is shut-down or in standby mode. The other is the auxiliary power supply, which only provides energy to specific parts of the equipment such as the USB ports, remote receivers, or modems, but stays on when the application is in standby mode

Key Features

  • Conversion Type
    AC to DC
  • Input Voltage
    90 to 265 (AC) V
  • Output Voltage
    5 V
  • Output Current
    2.2 A
  • Output Power
    11 W
  • Topology

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