STEVAL-ISA164V1, Evaluation Board for STNRG388A Voltage Mode PWM Controller

Reference Design using part STNRG388A by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
    Measurement and Monitoring
  • Product Type
    Power Management

For End Products

  • Power Management


  • STEVAL-ISA164V1, Evaluation Board is designed to help familiarize the user with the STNRG family of digital controllers and their innovative SMED (state machine, event driven) architecture. A convenient GUI enables the user to quickly generate the optimal SMED configuration for the application. The external pins make it easy to inject SMED events and capture the SMED-controlled PWM clock, thereby helping the user to validate the SMED configuration. The board provides a micro-USB connector to allow programming, GUI connectivity and configuration via a terminal utility running on a PC. STNRG controllers integrate a serial interface which can be used to extend the STNRG388A communication capabilities via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or powerline modems

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