Typical Application Circuit for MC3303 Single Supply Bi-Quad Filter Op-Amp

Reference Design using part MC33033DWR2G by onsemi


  • Application Category
    Amplifiers and Comparators
  • Product Type
    Analog Amplification

For End Products

  • Power Conversion


  • Typical Application Circuit for MC3303 Single Supply Bi-Quad Filter Op-Amp. The MC3403 is a low cost, quad operational amplifier with true differential inputs. The device has electrical characteristics similar to the popular MC1741C. However, the MC3403 has several distinct advantages over standard operational amplifier types in single supply applications. The quad amplifier can operate at supply voltages as low as 3V or as high as 36V with quiescent currents about one third of those associated with the MC1741C

Key Features

  • Number of Supplies
  • Supply Voltage
    3 to 36 V

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