Typical Application for Ultra Low Power 1.25Gbps Limiting Post Amplifier

Reference Design using part SY84113BU by Microchip Technology


Microchip Technology
  • Application Category
    Amplifiers and Comparators
  • Product Type
    Analog Amplification

For End Products

  • Instrumentation and Measurement


  • Typical Application for Ultra Low Power 1.25Gbps Limiting Post Amplifier. The SY84113BU low power limiting post amplifier is designed for use in fiber-optic optical modules for multi-rate applications up to 1.25Gbps. The device connects to a typical transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and can produce output signals to CML-level waveforms. Intended for the GbE and Fiber Channel applications, the SY84113BU offers a wide LOS range. It is able to detect input singles for as low as 5mV PP and as high as 100mV PP. The SY84113BU is intended to be used in AC-coupled input applications

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