XRD9824EVAL, Evaluation System based on XRD9824 High Performance Analog Signal Processor with a 14-Bit ADC

Reference Design using part XRD9824 by MaxLinear


  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type
    Image Sensor

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  • XRD9824EVAL, Evaluation System is a complete printed circuit board for characterizing XRD9824. The XRD9824 is a fully integrated, high performance analog signal processors with a 14-Bit analog-to-digital converter. The XRD9824 is specifically designed for use in CIS or CCD imaging applications. CIS scanners use the S/H, PGA and digital programmable offset. CCD scanners use the CDS, PGA and digital programmable offset. This application board combines a proven PC board layout with optimized analog and digital interface circuitry to satisfy the requirements needed in evaluating high performance devices of this type. The XRD9824EVAL contains the device being tested, latches for the output data and I/O headers for a flexible user interface

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