ADAU1787: A Codec Incorporating Two Digital Signal Processors

The ADAU1787 is a codec with four inputs and two outputs that incorporates two digital signal processors (DSPs).

The path from the analog input to the DSP core to the analog output is optimized for low latency and is ideal for noise cancelling headsets. With the addition of just a few passive components, the ADAU1787 provides a complete headset solution.

Features and Benefits

- Programmable FastDSP audio processing engine
- Up to 768 kHz sample rate
- Biquad filters, limiters, volume controls, mixing
- 28-bit SigmaDSP audio processing core
- Visually programmable using SigmaStudio
- Up to 50 MIPS performance
- Low latency, 24-bit ADCs and DACs
- 96 dB SNR (signal through PGA and ADC with A-weighted filter)
- 105 dB combined SNR (signal through DAC and headphone with A-weighted filter)
- Serial port fSYNC frequency from 8 kHz to 192 kHz
- 5 μs group delay (fS = 768 kHz) analog in to analog out with FastDSP bypass
- 4 single-ended analog inputs, configurable as microphone or line inputs
- 8 digital microphone inputs
- 2 analog differential audio outputs, configurable as either line output or headphone driver
- PLL supporting any input clock rate from 30 kHz to 27 MHz
- Full-duplex, 4-channel ASRCs
- 2, 16-channel serial audio ports supporting I2S, left justified, or up to TDM16
- 8 interpolators and 8 decimators with flexible routing
- Power supplies
- Analog AVDD at 1.8 V typical
- Digital I/O IOVDD at 1.1 V to 1.98 VDigital DVDD at 0.9 V typical
- Low power (11.027 mW for typical stereo noise cancelling solution)
- I2C and SPI control interfaces, self boot from I2C EEPROM
- Flexible GPIO
- 42-ball, 0.35 mm pitch, 2.695 mm × 2.320 mm WLCSP


- Noise cancelling handsets, headsets, and headphones
- Bluetooth ANC handsets, headsets, and headphones
- Personal navigation devices
- Digital still and video cameras
- Musical instrument effect processors
- Multimedia speaker systems
- Smartphones


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