The ADA4099-1 is a robust, precision, rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier with inputs that operate from −VS to +VS and beyond.
The inputs also tolerate up to 80 V of differential voltage without damage or degradation to DC accuracy. The device features offset voltages of < 25 μV, input bias currents of < 4 nA, and can operate from 3.15 V to 50 V.
Key Features and Benefits:
● Over-The-Top technology provides customers with a robust front-end design and allows signals to be sensed, even if the bias is outside the parts' supply voltage
● Low voltage noise can detect and amplify very small signals that are normally lost within the system noise
● Shutdown option for systems that are power-control optimized, which provides duty-cycling to maintain performance when needed
● Industrial Automation: 4 to 20mA Communication Loop Transmitter
● Instrumentation: Current to Voltage High-Side Current Sense
● Aerospace and Defense
● General Purpose
Evaluation Board
The ADA4099-1 can be evaluated with the EVAL-ADA4099-1HUJZ.