Family of isolated, half bridge gate drivers with adjustable dead time and 4 A output provide reliable control over the switching characteristics of the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)/metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and silicon carbide (SiC) configurations.
- ADuM4221* dual input option with dead time
- ADuM4221-1 single input with dead time
- ADuM4221-2 dual input option with no dead time
- ADuM4221W automotive qualified dual input option with dead time
Key Features and Benefits
- Dual-channel gate driver with adjustable dead time to improve overall efficiency
- Robust OOK architecture provides industry-leading CMTI for use with newer high-performance applications such as GaN and SiC switch technologies
- High drive strength and low delay for highest performance applications. 45ns Prop Delay, 10ns Channel to Channel skew. Superior timing performance stability reduces voltage distortion, harmonics, providing better lifetime and output drive strength allows faster switching of devices
- 3rd party solution with Wolfspeed
- Automotive: HEV, BMS, Inverter and E-Motor Systems, SiC, wide bandgap
- Energy: Energy Storage, Solar Inverters, Wind Turbines
- Industrial Automation: Motion Control, Field Instruments
- Instrumentation: DC Sources and Power Supplies, Battery Formation & Test
Evaluation Board
The ADuM4221/-1/-2/W can be evaluated with the EVAL-ADUM4221EBZ and EVAL-ADUM4221-1EBZ.