Common-Mode Transients in Current Sense Applications

When designing a power circuit, and specifically when choosing an amplifier to use, the design must accommodate the occurrence of common-mode transient voltages. Current-sensing amplifiers from Analog Devices can help to make this task easier.

Simply defined, a transient voltage is a temporary unwanted voltage in a circuit that lasts for a very short time and can range up to several thousand volts. Common sources of transient voltages include malfunctioning electrical equipment, lightning strikes, arcing, or simply turning equipment on or off. Transients are common enough today that it makes sense to plan for them in your circuit design. The latest current-sensing amplifiers from Analog Devices are designed to operate with a wide range of input common-mode voltages, including fluctuations that might occur during a transient event. The AD8418, for example, has a common-mode voltage survival range from −4 V to +85 V. Incorporating technology like this into your design is a good way to help fail-safe it and ensure problem-free operation.


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